Could my two keys be your two keys?
Training a dog can be an amazingly joyful or unbelievably frustrating use of your time. What separates these two experiences is one thing and only one thing and that is your dog’s immunity to...
View ArticleDog Training From A Junior Handler’s Perspective
When it comes to dog training, I recognize that everyone is in a different place in their journey. Your needs may differ based on the challenges you face with your pet, your experience level, your...
View ArticlePuppy Peaks Review: Month 1!
Yesterday, I introduced you to Libby, who is our new Puppy Peaks Junior Reporter, here to give you a monthly “peek” into Puppy Peaks from her perspective. Thanks to each of you for making Libby feel so...
View ArticlePuppy Training “Peeks” . . . Month 2
In last week’s post, I introduced you to Libby. Libby has been brought onto the Say Yes team as our new “Junior Puppy Peaks Reporter.” She is a young and talented trainer, who is passionate about...
View ArticleCould I Be A Dog-Loving Mentor?
To some dog owners who participate in performance sports around the world I am considered a dog training “mentor.” Definition: men·tor ˈmenˌtôr,-tər/ noun: mentor; plural noun: mentors 1. an...
View ArticleJunior Handler Reporting on Puppy Peaks Training Month 3
Happy New Year… I love this time of the year… new training, new goals! Libby has been sharing with us her training from Puppy Peaks for the last 2 months. Her post last month was about helping Riley...
View ArticleJunior Handling Reporting on Puppy Peaks Training Month 4
Libby and her dog Elliott chose one of my favorite training games to shorten one of those cold winter weeks in Kentucky, and is wearing only a sweat shirt! Ohhh to have sweatshirt weather again! Winter...
View ArticleHow Are On Line Classes Like An iPhone?
By now you may have heard registrations are now open for my latest online handling classes “Handling360.” This is different than any other project I have ever presented before. The four main handling...
View ArticleJunior Handling Reporting on Puppy Peaks Training Month 5
This month it was fun for me to find out that Libby is giving back to her community by being a 4-H leader. 4-H has grown around the world in their mission of “engaging youth” to reach their fullest...
View ArticleLet’s Inspire Others With Our Dog Training!
Have you ever seen those dogs that have a relationship with their owners that is so strong that no distraction can tempt them from straying away from what they have been asked to do? Before you say, “I...
View ArticleDefining Moments: How Decisions In Life Guide Our Dog Training Path
Everyone has “their story.” Think about your life. Our stories are a collection of defining moments one stacked on the next that have created the life we now enjoy. Who we married or didn’t marry,...
View ArticleInspiring Transformations in Dog Agility
Trans·for·ma·tion /tran(t)sfərˈmāSH(ə)n: a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. Who amongst us wouldn’t want a “transformation”? Maybe a transformation of our fitness level, our cluttered...
View ArticleDo Agility Dogs Really Understand Verbal Cues & A New Home for Handling360!
Today was meant to be the day we released video four in our latest Handling360 video series…but alas…things didn’t go as planned. We set our sights (and sites) on tomorrow. I would personally like to...
View ArticleGoal Setting in Dog Sports
Last week I was out in Los Angeles at a three day business workshop. Sitting in the meeting my mind drifted towards dog training and today’s vlog was born. My mind drifting is not a reflection of the...
View ArticleLet’s Inspire Others With Our Dog Training!
Have you ever seen those dogs that have a relationship with their owners that is so strong that no distraction can tempt them from straying away from what they have been asked to do? Before you say, “I...
View ArticleDefining Moments: How Decisions In Life Guide Our Dog Training Path
Everyone has “their story.” Think about your life. Our stories are a collection of defining moments one stacked on the next that have created the life we now enjoy. Who we married or didn’t marry,...
View ArticleInspiring Transformations in Dog Agility
Trans·for·ma·tion /tran(t)sfərˈmāSH(ə)n: a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. Who amongst us wouldn’t want a “transformation”? Maybe a transformation of our fitness level, our cluttered...
View ArticleDo Agility Dogs Really Understand Verbal Cues & A New Home for Handling360!
Today was meant to be the day we released video four in our latest Handling360 video series…but alas…things didn’t go as planned. We set our sights (and sites) on tomorrow. I would personally like to...
View ArticleGoal Setting in Dog Sports
Last week I was out in Los Angeles at a three day business workshop. Sitting in the meeting my mind drifted towards dog training and today’s vlog was born. My mind drifting is not a reflection of the...
View ArticleTransformations in Dog Training: The 2016 Recallers Video Contest Day One
Anyone reading this blog who has raised a dog has been there at one point or another. Frustrated as $h!% when our dog just doesn’t co-operate. Sometimes we plead and that works, sometimes, we bribe and...
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